The reason that makes Austria so enjoyable during the winter is with out doubt...SKI. No surprise there! Austrians truly live and breathe ski. Even if they aren't ski enthusiasts, it's likely the know how to ski. Although this was my first year to learn, I must proudly admit that I'm a natural! It must be in the Austrian blood from my Oma and Opa ;) to fully live ski season I bought a pass for the whole region of Carinthia..Although it wasn't cheap (about 520 Euros), I went skiing about 30 times this winter. So most of my weekends and some afternoons during the week were entirely dedicated to ski.

My favorite things about skiing in Austria
APRES SKI, of course. Being in a mountain hut with corny alpine dance music, Austrian beer, and racooned face skiiers couldn't be any better. If you throw a retro neon purple ski onesie, Aperol, and free bunny helmet ears, and night skiing it intensifies all of this fun. I can't wait for next year already!

Ski Events: It's all about the wave flagging, cheering, fireworks, meeting friendly people on the train there. This January I went to the 4 Schanzen Tournie with my Finnish friend Sarah and Sean after we had a reunion with my Danish friends in Copenhagen. We had an absolute blast! Thomas Morgenstern, who is also from Carinthia, ended up winning the whole event! Everyone was in very high spirits and the fireworks were going nuts!

The Spa: Well, after living the rough life of skiing all day, the Kaernten TAs are pretty infamous for hitting the spas afterwards.

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