"Mountains inspire awe in any human person who has a soul. They remind us of our frailty, our unimportance, of the briefness of our span upon this earth. They touch the heavens, and sail serenely at an altitude beyond even the imaginings of a mere mortal."
Weekend in Spittal was simply stunning and salient, to the eye and the leg muscles. 2000+ meters above sea level
Something so moving about the creation of mountains, whether you believe in their divine creation or natural evolution, makes one realize how man-created constructions have no comparison. They don't endure time. Nature will never lose its beauty and ability to inspire those who behold it. One can say art is the closest thing to nature that touches our souls but even then nature is often the inspiration behind it. I am simply belittled. My main hope is that we can protect these monumental creations rather than corrode them.
On Sunday Rob and I decided to accompany Sam back to Klagenfurt to watch the Kaernten celebration of when it officially joined Austria in 1920. The parade was absolutely entertaining, charming, and really showed how important culture is to the Austrians. On the other hand, it could potentially serve as a rallying ground for austrian nationalism-which could be a bit too extreme. This is by no means all of the people who participated in the events. I value the importance of traditional culture but not the political antics behind it that create outsiders. With that said, if you move to a country I am in the opinion that you should also respect its historic culture.

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