In recent events, the ‘rents came to visit Bamberg after their short stay in Vienna. Thankfully they brought some of that Texas weather with them too. Despite being cold, it was finally sunny! I was thrilled. We were able to have a tour of Bamberg as well as Coburg and Rothenburg. I’ll write about the visit with the rents tomorrow but today is Saturday, the busiest day of the week and the best for people watching too! When the sun comes the town gains life as if the sun were inspiring flowers to bloom. It’s more alive than I’ve seen it! After turning the final corner on my long 45 minute walk from the apartment to the Innenstadt, a cobble stone street that is usually empty was taken up by an outside café, stands boasting off big pots with the smell of Goulash soup, and of course a place to get Wurst! The people here have already been warm and friendly thus far yet their moods are greatly affected on sunny days. Everyone is out and about in lit up fashion. So stylish too! On a normal day I usually would try to as well but after a week of traveling with the ‘rents, I was tired of trying to be fashionable SO on rare occasion, I’m sporting my Adidas track pants-at least my light blue jacket matches my blue New Balance running shoes! Nevertheless, the comfortable running shoes took me to the next corner and I turned into the Grüner Markt (green market). It doubled in size! Overwhelmed with too many options to explore, I paused for a moment, glanced around and…yup! I turned right to seek out the sweets. Surprise surprise right? ;-) My mouth watered with delight but after this week’s Wurst-fest with mom and dad, I wouldn’t give in. Instead I chose one of the many sweetly decorated Lebkuchen (gingerbread) hearts for my visitor, Alexis, who is a roommate from U. South Carolina coming next week to Bamberg. Alexis is currently pretending to be a Spanish senorita in Seville, Spain but unfortunately she’s having a hard time blending in because of her hair color. I know you love the attention, Alexis! Haha. After stuffing her lebkuchen heart in my bag, I strolled on passing a few vendors with scarves which I twirled around in a bit and then went through the many rows of fruits, veggies, and other locally made products. I was also sucked into buying a bag of unsweetened dried apples since I felt inconsiderate for sampling with out intent to purchase…they’re so good!
Still wandering along the Fußgänger Zone (pedestrian zone that doesn’t allow cars), I was suddenly distracted from all the colorful vendors by a cheerful tune. It was an organ grinder! Public entertainment just really adds to the whole mood. Honestly, who couldn’t pass this old man dressed in traditional lederhosen, hat, and stuff monkeys and not crack smile? I popped him a Euro on my way out. While continuing on my path, I went by my favorite part with all the spring flowers, roses, and pussy willows and then went through the area of woven baskets in every, shape, and size made by local artisans. Then finally I decided I was hungry for lunch so I grabbed a square piece of pizza (only 1 Euro!) with a Cola Lite and took it to the steps of St Martin Church, built in the magnificent Baroque style, and basked in the sun. For the rest of the day I just took my time browsing around until it was about 4 or 5 when everything closes.
Well I’m off for now…more of the parent's interesting visit later! Wiedersehen!
Liebe Grüße,
katarin (the way everyone pronounces my name)
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