First things first, I again would like to apologize for my lack of blogger communication...I just get too caught up in all the fun and then class as well, of course! But these past couple of weeks have gone by so fast. Already I can't imgagine going home and leaving these people and this city that I have become so close with. Since my last update, I've been getting wrapped up in class-a presentation and much reading and also made trips to Vienna, Austria and Seville, Spain/Lagos, Portugal. I#m very grateful for both experiences.
In any event Vienna....As every leaf turns and season goes by I'd say Vienna always awaits me. So it was more than a treat to visit my great Aunt, Tante Grete, und uncle, Onkel Friedl in this city full of buildings so white they sparkle when it's sunny, coffee so good it convinces one to never want Starbucks ever again, and pastries so detailed and handeled with care that they are just as priceless as imperial porcelein. But's it's also the street actors dressed as Mozart and Strauss and consistent patter of horse hooves coming from carriages that remind one of a time so rich in culture and royal mystique. I can't help but to stop and let it soak in...I'm in the opinion that the Austrians will forever have the Kaiser (Emporer) in their heart. I think a piece of him might be in me as well...or maybe it's just the Mozart Kugeln that are too tempting to resist.
From Friday to Sunday with a long trade ride, I was lucky enough to have two of my friends, Line and Annemarie (Denmark) accompany me to Vienna. I absolutely love train rides, especially with friends. Although they speak pratically perfect English, we only spoke German together...and their German is much better than mine! It's also very rewarding when someone comments on our German conversation. For example, the old man with smiling with his glassy blue eyes told us how precious a moment he had when we would be speaking about Denmark, the U.S., studying abroad, funny stories, and our excitement over upcoming arrival in Vienna. Being caught up in class and going out at night in Bamberg, it was so refreshing to get a little more breathing room and be a tour guide to two of my closest friends here. Not only that but my mom (aka Margarita) was so kind to find us a room that was in the middle on the Innenstadt close to everything. Pension Perchy is so beautiful...the Danes and I felt as if we were little princesses as we entered our hotel room. The walls were convered with yellow/gold patterned fabric, the curtains a ruby red. The small rose accents on the desk were more than just a special touch, they were touching. Hung above the desk was a watercolor painting of Vienna-I felt right at home. And the bed...heavenly! The down comfortors and pillows were like fluffy clouds awaiting for nightful when we would finally be still and the bright chandelier, the sun of the room, would not shine it's light any longer. After squeezing in as much sight seeing and coffee in our half day on friday, we were tired by 8 and made the greatest decision to buy a bag of origional Mozart Kugeln to share and watched Austria's Dancing With the Stars before we went to bed. It was the first tv we had watched in 2 months!
On Saturday the day after, we did more sightseeing-We saw all the beautiful sights such as the Hofburg, der Graben (a beautiful monument dedicated to the end of the Plague), Stephansdom (St. Stephens Cathedral), etc-pictures make a more interesting sight! And of course we did a little bit of's awful in Bamberg! But after that I was had the special opportunity to have Jause (tea time) with my great aunt and uncle. Although nerved by her dramatic ways that have even softened from her theatre actress days, our visit was so sweet and warm. We chatted (all in German!) over tea and Austrian specialties-apfel strudel, dopfen kuchen, sacher torte, unnnnd something i forget! ah
On Sunday the weather was Kaiserwetter (weather fit for a king) and we strolled around the city as much as possible and finally left our dear hotel to the train station...back to Bamberg baby!